Series 2 episode 3 - 14 senses

Simon and Rachel are joined at the Barbican centre by renal-cardiovascular physiologist Keith Siew and evolutionary psychologist, Dr. Gillian Forrester.

Episode summary

The team have brought news stories from the world of science to share before we kick off the pitches. Gillian shares a study that suggests that babies can recognise faces in utero, Keith has news that salt makes us hungry rather than thirsty and Rach reports on a colony of tardigrades on the moon.

Then we hear pitches for how we should redesign the human body from each of the panellists, the studio audience and Mother Nature herself.

Keith has a back up kidney or two up his sleeve, GIllian thinks humans should understand animals better. The audience want more senses, a pain over-ride, and adjustable IQ. Simon's suggestion from nature is the sensitivity of the star-nosed mole.

Which of these will make it onto Rach’s shortlist?

Mentioned this episode

Gillian's 'Me, Human' project at the science museum:

The star-nosed mole:

Terminator tries to smile:

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Level Up Human

Level Up Human is a light-hearted panel show with a big ambition - let's make humans better.